Landlords’ eviction problems to rocket

A key housing body has warned private landlords to prepare for a rise in evictions following changes to housing benefit later this year.

In October benefits will be paid once a month to claimants and The National Housing Federation said it expected rent arrears to increase by £245m a year as a result.

The increase in arrears suggested by the research would represent a 60% rise.

Federation chief executive David Orr said: “Within a few short months, hundreds of thousands of low-income families will see their housing benefit cut as a result of the Welfare Reform Act.

“Many could fall behind on their rents, putting at risk the roof over their heads.”

Whilst the government claim that they are merely treating benefit claimants the same as people who are in work in that they must exercise budgeting skills, most experts in the housing sector fear that we will see many people losing their home.

Eviction proceedings are one of a landlord’s greatest worry. No one wants the cost, time and effort of trying to evict a tenant and for an inexperienced landlord it can be a daunting task too.


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